Sunday, March 10, 2013

Scanning Update

A corner of my room circa 1982
So I realized the other day while looking for older Tulip Time pictures, that I have been doing so much scanning for other people that I hadn't scanned my old photos.  Now I don't have THAT many.  My personal pictures start about the time I was in middle school and received my own camera.  (And a lot of those photos are really not that great.)  But now that I have the Flip Scanner, I can go through them pretty fast.  So that is what I have started to do!  I'm just going to scan, crop and dump into the correct years folder and deal with them later (probably).

This picture shows the turtle I made in shop (which I don't remember doing), the pot I painted (and don't remember) and the dolls I collected (and still have) which are sitting in an old shelf which I wonder where it went!

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