Okay not total disaster but not great either. I have been working very hard to create a very sourced family using RootsMagic. I was going along fine, not quickly, but fine until I started noticing missing people. Yep, names I knew should be there were not there. I'm not sure if I accidentally switched files or what but it was a big problem. So I tried to fix the problem by merging an earlier backup with my current file. Basically I just made it worst. Now I had multiply people and everything was just mixed up.
Logic thing to do? Just start over again. The good part of this is it is going faster the 2nd time because my family logs were much better. So that work didn't go to waste! And I have a way to make sure I don't mess up again. Before every backup on RootsMagic, I keep a spreadsheet of certain key file summaries to make sure that I'm not loosing any additional information.
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