Well, the organization portion of the slide scanning has not gone very well. Especially the July 1977 slides from the family trip out west through Colorado and other places. Since I don't remember the trip at all, it is difficult to match up the description on the back of the slide case to the actual slide. BUT the slides CANNOT sit any longer gathering dust and waiting for the cat to have a spaz attack in the middle of them (again). I have scanned 158 slides with the date from the slide and a number. I still have many more to go!
So above is a picture from the group I scanned recently. Horses walking along the road BUT with the additional treat of my brother hanging out the window! I find these picture, with someone in the mirror, quite amusing. I cannot image my father didn't stop to look at things during the trip since the Sunday drives we took in our youth were very long and boring. But my mother took quite a few pictures, some slightly blurred, out of the moving car so there are shots of my Mom in the mirror or my father's arm while he is driving. This was life pre-digital!