Monday, October 14, 2019

Putting my toe back into the Genealogy pool

Cousin Love!
The big move is over but still figuring where to put stuff.  My craft room is still being used as a bedroom.  Everything I want in the craft room is still packed.  But I have my laptop and I have my digital files.

Recently I got the chance to learn more about my uncle who was adopted.  He recently did a DNA test & found out more about his birth parents.  So I have been working on that sporadically. Went to the library for some obituaries. And used the census to find out that his birth parents were neighbors.

I also explored the largest library in my new county.  They do have genealogy materials so spent some time looking things over.  I did take some photos of materials I found interesting.  There was also a picture of my g+grandparents that I've never seen!

I also attended a local conference where we were encouraged to blog!  Going to conferences always gets me fired up to work on my tree too.  Learned a lot and feel like I'm heading in a good direction still.

I also re-connected with  I made an account in 2012 but didn't even have the same email.  Got that all straightened out and have been working on adding my lines to the great tree in the cloud.  That has been a good experience since sourcing is very important.  But it is fun when you connect your line into an existing tree!

Good Luck & Good Night

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sorry for the delay

I moved!  Okay it was just across the county line, basically, but after 20 years in one place, it is good to be some where else!  For the last year+, I have done so little with any genealogy or pictures.  Nothing.  Everything got packed away when we were looking for a new place and getting the old one ready to sell.  And it is still packed away since the new place needs to have the lower level completed before I will truly have a whole bedroom to organize everything.  Someday........

(Also we do not have regular internet, just cellular data which is not very fast.)